Candidate Survey Your name (optional) How often do you contact Pure Education? Every day Often sometimes rarely Have you been provided with all telephone numbers and email addresses for general contact purposes? Yes No Have you been assigned a regular Contact at the Agency? Yes No Were you able to speak to the relevant person within one minute after calling? Yes No How often do you visit Pure Education’s website? Often Sometimes Never Have you used our out of hours service? Yes No How would you rate the out of hours service? Excellent Very good Good Average Poor Cannot comment Are you aware of the online CPD training we offer? Yes No Are you regularly offered online CPD training? Yes No How would you rate our online CPD training? Excellent Very good Good Average Poor Cannot comment Would you like to be offered classroom based CPD Training? Yes No What courses would you like to be offered? How would you rate the Booking Confirmation procedure? Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor How would you rate our promptness and service delivery? Excellent Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor How would you rate Pure Education’s Consultants? Friendly and helpfull Good Average Varies with each phone call Poor Service How would you rate the Consultant’s ability to listen to your needs? Excellent Very good Good Average Varies Poor How would you rate the Consultant’s knowledge and ability to answer your questions? Excellent Very good Good Average Poor How quickly did the Consultant address your needs or queries? Very Quickly Quickly Average Not very quickly Did not address my needs How would you rate our staff’s professional attitude? Excellent Very good Good Average Varies Poor Overall, how would you rate Pure Education? 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars Please add any comments below you feel may help us improve our service offering… If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit